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The journey to finding joy.
From out of my mind and onto this page.

Aug 9, 20213 min read
Dear Parents...
A letter to my parents.

Jul 25, 20217 min read
The Robin Williams Effect
You truly don't know what someone's journey has been, so why not chose kindness towards them?

Jul 11, 20213 min read
Out of the box and into the dark
I originally wrote this post January 27. I was needing to complete my homework that week for therapy. Once I had it done this...

Jun 20, 20214 min read
Mirror Mirror on the Wall
What can happen to the brain when it's been through too much.

Jun 13, 20214 min read
Something's Afoot at the Circle K
Pop the bubbles, eat that cake - get it gurl

May 30, 20215 min read
What Phoebe Buffay Taught Me During COVID-19
A piece of my puzzle I want to share with you. May those who need it find it and may they no longer feel the same shame I have felt.

May 24, 20218 min read
The Best Book of 2021
A short essay on my journey into therapy and how an overthinking, perfectionist worked through their issues.

May 16, 20215 min read
One Small Step for...
A start of the week pep talk, you do you boo.

May 2, 20216 min read
Untitled, because it's how I feel
I was reading the marketing for this year's Mental Health week (May 3-7, 2021) - their slogan, "name it, don't numb it", really struck a...

Apr 18, 20215 min read
Sweet Marie ... con't
They say that things that are meant for you will find you in the moment you are meant to learn the lesson. This isn't always apparent in...

Apr 11, 20214 min read
Sweet Marie
I wrote this story maybe five years ago and thought I now would be a good time to share. Just changed a few words and add a more personal...

Mar 28, 20213 min read
Where to next?
I firmly believe there’s a bit of a lie when they say the first step is the hardest - I think it's the second step. The choice to go...

Mar 21, 20213 min read
Back to Basics
I hate New Year’s resolutions. I feel like they have never worked for me, so I never make them. I didn‘t need another reason to feel bad...
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